Sunday, September 27, 2009

Japan Short Notes #6

Day 7 - 22/09/09

PH: Labour's Day (or similar)

Was bored of shopping centre and the holiday crowd. Was glad when T brought us to a market to buy ingredients for her Birthday BBQ the next day. We went Matsubara and we were amazed at their prices! Cheaper and huge vegetables and seafood.

Ate Yakitori - 60¥ (SGD 0.90), other places 100¥ and above, and the mochi balls with red bean paste and sesame.

Dinner was at a tempura store. Again, the portion was huge! Ebi, pumpkin, brinjal tempura. Around 800¥ (SGD 11.50) So full and smelly because of the exhaust pipe from cooking but oh so satisfied!

Day 8 - 23/09/09

PH: Autumn Equinox Day (similar to our Qing Ming)

A full day of BBQ birthday celebrations. Lots of food, scallop, sanma and Japanese Lobster. Again HugE! They were live and were BBQ live. Pain* My grandnephew R cried and told her grandpa (our cousin T) to take it off the grill because it's hot. T joked that they are having onsen and R cried and cried because he finds it painful and couldn't watch it.

I have to say the meat is sweet and good.

ok, got to go and sleep, moving on to Osaka and Hiroshima tomorrow morning.

Good nite.

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