Sunday, August 15, 2010

All about my Shoes

sometime ago (think was last month), I post a status on FB saying that my favourite pair of shoes broke and I'm so sad but bought myself a new pair (yay!) Thing is, I really, reaallly love my old pair of shoes. It's so soft and doesn't "bite" and it has kitten heels that are not fatal to me and it's girly and matches almost everything. I loved it!

Well, 一分钱, 一分货 you pay for what you get, it's cheap and I got it for CNY and I wore it to death (hehehe.. I kiam mah). It's from DMK and I will continue to look for shoes there and get a couple more flats from URS, cos I spotted a couple that may "go" soon.. sob.

That's my shoe in better days. It was random ( I didn't really think of taking any pictures of my shoes). I took it in Jun when I was alone at a course and had nobody speaking to me and I was so bored that I started taking random pictures. (Maybe some of you may remember me grumbling about it :))

I didn't realised that my soles were so well worn!

Look at the gaping hole!

Shoes from Charles and Keith. It's professional looking for work but the heels are a little high for me. I sort of hyperventilate when I look at it and imagine taking MRT in it. But it makes me look good (*blush) and I desperately need a pair then and it was on sale.. so why not right? .. and yes, it kinda matches everything too.


I realised that I do not have much fashion sense and I know fashion is all about individualism and how and what you want to wear the clothes to best suit you and not let the clothes wear you. I have been surfing fashion blogs and I really admire them for stylishly and effortlessly putting clothes together and looking good. Sometimes I look a what I put on and i go *haaaaiiiiz
I am experimenting with some clothes I have never wanted to wear before in my life (skirts for example) and it's like having a breathe of fresh life. I'm not getting younger so I cannot delay putting things off anymore. =D so let's start with something simple like clothes.

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