A complimentary room stay from our wedding. the luxury of checking in at 530pm till 24 hrs later.
walking into the room and we were greeted with a basketful full of fruits. Dragon fruit, grapes, oranges, granny smith, grapefruit and a box of chocolates.
here's looking out of the antique window from the dining room into the bedroom..
The huge comfy bed!
Another antique! Cupboard that houses a TV (small, not very good.. around 21 inch) ands a Bose CD/ radio player (reception not very clear, and pity we didn't bring our CDs)
Always love a relaxing soak...
guess what does this contains? i thought it was jus for deco.. only till later did i rrealise that it was full of bath salts!
Complimentary chocolates.
we had a good rest.
everything is so seculded..
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